Application To avoid potential problems, please enable javascript before beginning. All fields are required unless otherwise specified. After you submit your application, you will receive an email with a login and password for our forums so you can view your submitted app and respond to questions and comments from guild members.All applications are private, can be seen only by raider rank members of the guild, and will never be discussed with anyone outside of guild without your permission. Warning: Javascript is disabled. This form requires javascript to function properly. If you are using noscript or similar, please allow before continuing, or your data will likely be lost. Essentials Email Address: Battletag: Discord: Age: Character Name: | Realm: Class: Choose Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior | Main Spec: | Secondary Spec: Explain any conflicts with our raid schedule. Character Please link to WarcraftLogs parses for your main and any relevant alts. Provide private info if necessary. Applications without logs will not be considered. Please include a screenshot of your UI in raid combat. <--Give an in-depth explanation of your job, opener, ability usage and item usage on the most recent progression encounter you've killed. --> History Why do you want to (or did you) leave your most recent raiding guild, and why do you want to join <Might>? Guild History note: Please only link to progression raiding guilds you were actively raiding in. Do not include guilds where you were a friend/casual member. If you have been in fewer than 3 such guilds, you may leave the additional fields blank. Guild NameRealmRankJoin Date Most Recent Guild: Raid LeaderOfficerRaiderRecruit /. Previous Guild 1: Raid LeaderOfficerRaiderRecruit Previous Guild 2: Raid LeaderOfficerRaiderRecruit Optional: Provide any additional details you'd like us to know about your previous guilds. Briefly explain your raid experience in the current tier. Briefly explain your raid experience in previous tiers. Optional: What other classes and specs have you raided on during the last three tiers, if any? Other Average FPS in Raid Combat: Please provide a link to a connection speed test from If not possible, list your ISP and connection speed. Optional: Provide additional details about your hardware or connection (e.g., Processor and Graphics Card). Optional: Is there anything else you feel we should know about you?